Monday, April 8, 2013

Frightened Fatty experiences her first WOD

My anniversary was lovely.  My husband went all out to make it a very special night.  I did have a little bit of non paleo foods, but nothing overkill.  The following day my tummy wasn't feeling super great.  I'm surprised how such a small amount of sugar and grains made me feel so yucky.  Oh well, onward and upward.

This morning I experienced my first real WOD.  I walked in nervous.  I'm tired of constantly being nervous!  The nice thing was as soon as I walked in I saw several moms and older women who were so nice.  They were very welcoming and made me feel at home.  The coaches were great at showing me how to do modified movements.  I really appreciate how they take time with each person, making sure everyone gets the best workout they can.  We started off with a warm up.  I had to jump over my partner and then they'd go up on their hands and toes while I crawled underneath them.  We did this 12 times.  I was sad to see that by the 6th or 7th jump, I could no longer jump with both feet together.  I was tired enough to have to do a step/jump instead of an actual feet together type jump.  I was pretty winded after doing 12.  Then everyone grabbed a heavy weighted ball and threw it on the ground as hard as they could and then would squat to pick it up....over and over and over.  I was told just to do squats.  My legs and lungs were burning just after the warm up. 

Next on the list was planks, squats, one armed clean thrusters (I know I'm not remember the exact term at the moment) .  I did 4 ten second planks, followed by 15 squats and then 12 thrusters on each arm....we did all of this for 4 rounds. 

After that it was time was our actual WOD.  *crying*  I was already drenched with sweat at this point and utterly exhausted.  I can't remember what most of the group did, but a few newbies, including myself did 10 push-ups and 150 sets of jumping rope for 3 rounds.  I learned something while jumping rope.  I learned that after having 3 kids and jumping up and down over and over and over and over causes some slight incontinence.  Sorry, but it's true.  I had to run to the restroom to get things all sorted out.  Good grief!  It took me a little over 9 minutes to finish my WOD.  I was just happy I showed up this morning and that I did my best with all the exercises.  I'm quite worn out and will probably crawl into bed when the kids do at 8:00pm.  *yawn*

What I ate today:

Breakfast~2 eggs, 2 slices of bacon

post workout snack~1/3 lara bar

Lunch~1 chicken breast cut up in bite size pieces and 2 cups of cut up pieces of asparagus sauteed in a little coconut oil and seasoned with spicy seasoning salt. 

snack~1 apple cut up with 2 TBS almond butter

Dinner~1 bowl of spicy chicken and vegetable soup

snack~2 squares dark chocolate and a cup of tea

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