Monday, April 22, 2013

Psyched Myself Out

So my plan is going to CrossFit  MWF.....and getting a nice walk in on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  I found out that my CrossFit posts the daily WOD online so you can see what is in store for that day.  I woke up and got online and saw that it was mainly running stuff today.  Bleh!  I  know that running is definitely something that I need to be working on, but OMGoodness it's so hard to run when you have ninety pounds of fat strapped to your body. 

I hate that I psyched myself out.  I suppose I shouldn't even look online to see what the workout is, because truly it doesn't matter.  I need to do it, no matter how much I might hate it.  Since I shucked out of going to CrossFit I decided to go online and find a WOD I could do at home where I wouldn't need any type of equipment.  I found one and boy did it kick my booty!

The warm up was 3 rounds

50 jumping jacks

10 push ups

10 air squats

I took a 5 min break in between the warm up and workout.  I got some water, opened up some windows to get a slight cross breeze throughout the house to help me cool off a bit. 

My WOD was 4 rounds:

25 push ups

20 lunges w/ each leg

15 sit ups

10 air squats

5 burpees

60 second planks

This ended up being much harder than it looked.  Halfway through my brain tried to convince myself that just doing 2 rounds was good enough.  I stood in my living room arguing with myself and I ended up finishing all 4 rounds.  I was thoroughly worn out. 

My husband called me this afternoon to see how my workout went and he was a little ticked I didn't make it to class.  He reminded me just how much it costs and that I need to go no matter how much I hate running.  He's right.  I need to go. 

I still feel like I'm in a bit of a "funk" since last Friday's workout.  I think it was so hard that it scared me and then seeing how much running there was to do today, I let that fear keep me from going to class.  I told my husband at the very beginning that I was tired of letting fear rule my choices in life and here I catch myself doing it again.
 I suppose we all have setbacks along the journeys we take.  I will go on Wednesday and will give it 100% no matter how much I may hate it. 

What I ate today:

Breakfast~eggs, turkey sausage

post workout snack~chocolate protein shake

Lunch~salad w/ grilled pork and homemade oil/vin dressing

Dinner~paleo sloppy joe stuffed peppers, sauteed french green beans, side salad w/ homemade oil/vin dressing.

recipe for the peppers:


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